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  • YYC Tech Gives

Welcome Cairn Seven Creative (Smile!)

We are excited to announce that CAIRN SEVEN CREATIVE has joined the ranks of YYC Tech Gives as one of our newest members!

A local, Calgary based marketing agency, Cairn specializes in the creation and digital distribution of advertising and publicity content for film and television productions.

Cairn Seven's Owner and Founder, Vincent Varga, has a strong technical background in film production and a degree in marketing from the University of Lethbridge.

With such strong ties to the local market and technology, Vincent was intrigued in joining YYC Tech Gives to help give back to the local community. Our initial ask, "Come join in our volunteer day, SPAM CUP at the Calgary Food Bank" - met with a creative idea! Vincent explains:

"As a company of one, it’s hard to compete in the mad dash of sorting compared to other teams, but I still wanted to be part of the energy and the great cause of YYC Tech Gives’ Spam Cup. I am thrilled to provide my photography and video services in kind to capture the morning to promote the event, and YYC Tech Gives into the future. I can't wait to see all the teams in action Tuesday morning!"

So, put on your best smiles because they might be captured on film, and prepare to join us Tuesday, December 11th as our productive volunteers jump in to sort thousands of pounds of Holiday Content on the assembly line of the Calgary Food Bank and Vincent prepares to capture all the action!

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