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YYC Tech Gives Team

Post Pi Day Digestive

Last week, in honour of Pi day, GridStone took the opportunity to drop off some delicious pies to the wonderful staff and volunteers at the Calgary Food Bank. We wanted to learn more about what inspired GridStone and about some of their other initiatives.

Why did GridStone feel it was important to recognize Food Bank volunteers on PI day in particular?

As one of the newer members of YYC Tech Gives we participated as a team in the Spam Cup this year at the Calgary Food Bank. Being in the Food Bank we got to see the huge amount of food that is processed through the location and got to meet some of the incredible volunteers that work there (there’s a local legend there that the food bank was built around one of the volunteers because he has consistently volunteered there for so long!). It's because of the amazing work of these volunteers that support systems like the Food Bank can function and we thought maybe they would like to be the ones taken care of for once! In the spirit of YYC Tech Gives we though Pi Day was a perfect melding of techie joy and food inspiration offering a great opportunity for us to give back to the volunteers.

How does PI day tie into YYC Tech Gives?

Pi Day is the yearly mathematical celebration of 3.14! The thought was that our Tech community partners in YYC Tech Gives would align their geeky side with the day! Any day is a good day to give back though, and we just liked that there was an additional excuse for delicious pies.

What other initiatives does GridStone look to participate in this year?

We at GridStone are already looking forward to Spam Cup this year with YYC Tech Gives, but we are also helping with the CCWESTT (Canadian Coalition of Women in Engineering, Science, Trades and Technology) Biennial Conference at the end of May, we are participating in the 9th Annual Steps to End Homelessness with Inn from the Cold and Imaginea Energy, and are keeping our eyes open for more opportunities!

Thanks GridStone for taking this opportunity to recognize the time and resources the staff and volunteers at the Calgary Food Bank donate and for doing it in such a fun and creative way!

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