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YYC Tech Gives Team

Where to Start?! (getting involved in YYC Tech Gives 2017)

We had a recent inquiry from a long time YYC Tech Gives member, wanting to get their team geared up for this fundraising season. Here is the we shared for other members, and maybe if your tech company is thinking of getting involved...this will convince you!

Save the Date! Our fall meeting will be Tuesday, Oct. 24th...more details will be posted on social media and sent to our distribution list. Not on our distribution list? will get you on there so you don't miss a thing!

Teaser...this meeting will ensure your fundraising is as spectacular as a hole in one!

Bring a Can: If you have any upcoming corporate events planned, please consider adding a Calgary Food Bank Fundraising component! You can contact our main YYC Tech Gives coordinator (and Director of Giving at the Food Bank) Keoma Duce at to help.

Recruit! Start thinking about other Tech Companies that might be interested in participating in YYC Tech Gives and note their contact info so that you can invite them to the fall meeting with you!

Team Fundraising Donation Pages – we are taking fundraising to a new level this year…a team level! You will be able to create your own Company Fundraising Page on the Food Bank’s fundraising site. Maybe a CEO challenge or a client wanting to be part of what you are doing in the community, friends wanting to donate to your cause? Now it can be collected under your company name…and will roll up to our overall YYC Tech Gives total! Check out the Donate Now link on our website.

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