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YYC Tech Gives Team


Still looking for a way to make a difference and kick start your YYC Tech Gives Fundraising this year? Need is up and donations of Holiday Specific Content are needed at the Calgary FoodBank!

Our annual SPAM CUP is fast approaching and we would love to help the FoodBank by sorting holiday content so they can ensure all individuals and families in need can enjoy a festive touch to accompany their basic needs. We sorted over 30,000 lbs of food last year at the Spam Cup. This year or goal is to meet or exceed that with Holiday Hamper Specific Content.

To ensure we have enough Holiday Content at the FoodBank before our sorting competition on Dec. 6th – if your company can make a cash donation before November 15th the foodbank will use their buying power to purchase holiday hamper content prior to our event to be sorted at the event! Just click here: DonateNow

OR: Raise Holiday Hamper Content! Call the FoodBank (403.253.2059) and have them drop off Donation Boxes. One Box = Approx. 85lbs for Food! Then encourage donations of holiday items listed below on or before November 15th and the foodbank will pick up prior to SPAM CUP.

More details can be found here: HOLIDAY HAMPERS & SPAM CUP

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