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Kimberley McNabb


Cool air brings fall to Calgary...a time we all...look forward to the YYC Tech Gives Fall Meeting! This is an opportunity for tech companies to come together and share ideas towards our common goal of raising funds to give back to the local community through the Calgary Interfaith Foodbank.

Last year not only did we enjoy the hospitality of member, Ambyint, but we raised over 500 lbs of food in one meeting alone by auctioning off Harry the Horse! To what end you might ask? Wellm as a team ringer of course, to help you and your team win the coveted Spam Cup - our trophy for the team that is able to pack the most food on the FoodBank's assembly line!

Already a member? The Fall meeting will communicate important upcoming dates and help energize you and your team with some great ideas. Part of YYC Tech Gives but haven't been out to Spam Cup yet? Learn how to join this year! Or maybe you want to come and see what YYC Tech Gives is all about? No matter your level of involvement to date - the Fall Meeting is a great chance to come together, share, energize and maybe....just a ringer!

More details to be published shortly! Meanwhile contact to learn more.

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